Isabella of Castile and Twinkies


I remember 2009, the year I moved to the US, like a year of discovery and constant surprise.

And that is coming from a guy who grew up watching American TV shows and movies and probably knew a lot more about your country than you ever knew about mine.

And yet so many things felt new and exotic!

My wife thought it was so funny I didn’t know about mundane things like twinkies, mac and cheese, keg stands, the tv show 60 minutes or a million little things you probably always took for granted.

Just like I can’t believe you haven’t heard of the TV show Isabel that follows the life of Queen Isabella of Castile! What is wrong with you?

Isabel was produced by the Spanish national network (our version of BBC) and became an instant hit. Ask any Spaniard and I bet you they have watched it at one point or another. The thing is FAMOUS.

I am happy to tell you that Isabel is now available (with subtitles) on Amazon Prime. So if you are a member I strongly encourage you to give it a go. Last time I checked there were only subtitles available in Spanish. But go and check. This TV show is really well made and I think you will enjoy it and benefit from it.

You gave me Twinkies. I give you Isabelle. America. We are even now.